
This blog was created as a sort-of guide to living in Morrill Tower, one of the most dreaded housing assignments you can receive as a freshman at The Ohio State University. That’s not to scare you away, I’m just telling it like it is. When I first told my older sister (who also went to OSU) that that’s where I would be living my freshman year, I received a look of pity like none I had ever received before. I got the same look from people I had never met who would ask me where I was living on campus.

The general consensus was that Morrill Tower was a death sentence. Its identical counterpart Lincoln Tower didn’t even receive the same sort of pity. It’s understandable why some people would hate living in Morrill; it’s crowded, looks like a prison, one window…only in the bedroom, rooms shaped like a Dr.Seuss house, etc. etc.

But let me give you a bit of hope…I lived there a full year as a freshman…and I chose to live there again this year as a sophomore.

This blog will be to chronicle my experiences in Morrill, a few tips I have gathered from two full years of living there and hopefully give you enough advice that if you end up living there as well, you can survive…and maybe even thrive.

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