You Got The Housing Email!

If you’re like almost every other person living on campus this year you have received your housing email!

I bet you’re pumped! Or terrified! Or don’t know what to think! Take heart my friends, all will be alright. (And that’s saying something because my roommate request ended up not working out 😦 Sad day…but I have Jesus so it’s all good)

So since it’s been a couple of days you’ve probably already creeped on them and learned everything you possibly could from tweets and posts and grams (The insta sort). And then there’s that one roommate that doesn’t have a Facebook and you have no idea what to think about that…

Anyways, the next step is to get in contact with them (all of them) and talk about the important stuff….whose bringing the TV? Not really (but really), find out some actual reliable information about them, year, major, where they’re from, etc. etc. You get the gist. Try to get to know your roommates, cause you have to deal with them for a year at the least.

This is mostly just common sense stuff. You know what you want to know about them, so ask them.

With your roommate(s) specifically find out who a little more about them. Night owl or early bird, do they snore, do they use a white noise machine (my freshman year roommate did), sleep with a fan, etc. And tell them the truth when they ask if you’re okay with something. The worst thing to do is to store up small bits of anger every day they play music really loud while you’re studying until eventually you explode from pent up rage.

This year is an opportunity for you to get to know your peers really well and make some awesome memories. There will be conflicts (there’s 10 of you, it’s inevitable) but it’s great practice for the rest of your life. If you put in the time and effort to really make the roommate situation work, there’s a great chance you’ll survive Morrill Tower.